Screencasting Ninja

Getting The Most Out Of Your Screencast

  • # video editing
  • # camtasia
  • # screen recording
  • # Podcast
  • # Screencasting
MJ McMillian

MJ McMillian

Screencasting Ninja
A total of 4 student(s) participated in this Course.

This Course includes:

Course time duration is about 1.1 hour(s)
1 Course unit(s)
No limit and Unlimited views
Screencasting Ninja


In this comprehensive course - Screencasting Ninja, we dive deep into understanding and mastering the art of screencasting. This is a must-attend for anyone interested in effective digital communication, with a particular focus on visual instruction and online learning.

The class is designed to take you on a journey from understanding what screencasting is to producing your own high-quality screencasts. You will learn not only the how but also the why of using screencasts effectively.

Course Highlights

  1. Understanding Screencasts: We’ll start by demystifying what a screencast is, setting the foundation for further modules.
  2. Optimal Utilization: You’ll learn about various contexts where screencasting can be beneficially used, be it for teaching, presentations, or tutorials.
  3. Building Your Own Screencast Ecosystem: This module will guide you on creating an optimized workflow that suits your specific needs.
  4. Required Equipment: We discuss essential tools that facilitate high-quality screencasts and how to best use them.
  5. Screencasts & Podcasts: Discover how you can integrate podcasts with your screencasts for increased reach and effectiveness.
  6. Creating Faceless Videos: Learn methods to create engaging content even when there’s no one on screen.
  7. Comfort On Screen: Explore techniques to improve your on-screen presence and comfort level while recording.
  8. Saving Your Work: Understand various formats and locations in which your work can be saved for optimal accessibility.
  9. Webinars & Screencast: In our final module, learn how you can leverage screencasts in webinars to enrich audience engagement.

By the end of this class, you will have gained confidence in creating effective and engaging screencasts and a solid understanding of the role they play in diverse fields such as education, business, marketing, and more.

Join us in “Screencasting Ninja” – where we explore all things Screencast!


Define the concept of Screencasting and understand its importance in digital content creation.

Identify various applications and best practices for using Screencasts effectively in different contexts.

Design a comprehensive ecosystem for creating, managing, and deploying Screencasts.

Understand what types of equipment are necessary for creating high-quality Screencasts.

Use common Screencast software to produce engaging podcasts.

Create ‘faceless’ videos that effectively convey information without showing the presenter’s face.

Develop techniques to increase their comfort levels while presenting on screen during a Screencast.

Learn how to save and archive Screencasts for future use or revision.

Understand how to leverage Screencasting tools for conducting engaging webinars.

This Course has 1 unit(s)Total 1.1 hour(s)


MJ McMillian
MJ McMillian
Founder of Digital Learn Academy

Learn more


Payment and Purchasing
Screencasting Ninja
A total of 4 student(s) participated in this Course.

This Course includes:

Course time duration is about 1.1 hour(s)
1 Course unit(s)
No limit and Unlimited views
Screencasting Ninja